25 celebrities wished our residents a Happy Father’s day with video selfies
L&M Healthcare homes received 25 video selfie messages that were streamed to residents via our Facebook pages to help make Father’s Day special.
The homes, which have been closed to visitors for three months, had lots of special activities planned by staff to make up for not seeing their families, but to put the icing on the cake, we put out feelers to see if we could get a couple of celebrities from all walks of life to help make it a little bit special and create an opportunity to reminisce. We were expecting perhaps one or two, but secretly hoping for five – one for each home in the group. But in total we received 25 messages from celebrities such as; sixties hit band The Bachelors, Actress and Loose Women Star Denise Welch, Former Emmerdale Star John MIddleton, Rugby Super League player and TV Commentator Robbie Paul, Professional Golfer Bernard Gallacher OBE, Robert Maxfield, Chief Executive of the PGA, West End star Joanna Ampil.
‘We were absolutely delighted with the response,’ Said Jeanne Davies, managing Director of L&M Healthcare. ‘ Not only did they send in messages, some also sent in songs, a little bit of entertainment and a magic act too, The Bachelors also invited residents to a Zoom session in the afternoon, where they gave us a special mention. The support has been tremendous and it just goes to show just what wonderful people they are to have given up their time to do this. Resident’s were absolutely thrilled and their families were able to share this with them too through our Facebook pages.

Residents have had to learn new ways of communicating with their families, through things like Facetime video calls, and Skype, we’ve had to become quite creative to keep communications ongoing using Facebook to post images and talking postcards to keep families connected. So the videos selfies from celebrities was another magical way of helping them feel in touch with the world and loved.’
Rugby Football Club