A new Train the Trainer initiative has been launched at Hulton House
At L&M Healthcare we are working hard to ensure our staff are kept up to date with the latest codes of conduct and are trained to the benchmarks set in our industry standards. Over the last 3 months we have delivered 84 training courses, a lot of those focussing on staff at Hulton House covering training in; Falls prevention, MCA (Mental Capacity Act) and DoLS (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards), Infection prevention and control, First Aid practical, Fire practical (including Safety and Evacuation), Safeguarding, Moving and Handling, Safe handling of medication, CHAPs (Care Home Assistant Practitioner) and Dementia Awareness.
Following on from this, last Friday the 9th October, we launched ‘Train the Trainer Champions’. This is a training initiative programme where two people from each home are selected to be champions in their specialism and are trained to deliver training to others in the home.
We started the programme with Dementia Train the Trainer Champions and at Hulton House, the two champions for this specialism are SAP Ady Hornby and deputy manager Vicki Woods.

Other Train the Trainer Champions being launched this month are;
• Positive behaviour champions
• New starter champions
• Infection prevention and control lead champions
• PCS Champions
• Medication champions
• Fall champions
To minimalize the risk of infection, where possible these training sessions are done virtually by video conference. A system that has been working very well for lots of other things like management meetings and recruitment interviews too.
Over the coming weeks we’ll keep you posted on how these sessions are going and who the new champions are.