Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day is a national event run by the National Dignity Council. It is an annual opportunity for health and social care workers, and members of the public to uphold people’s rights to dignity and provide a truly memorable day for people who use care services. It aims to ensure that people who use care services are treated as individuals and are given choice, control and a sense of purpose in their daily lives. These are values that we uphold every day at L&M Healthcare and to mark Dignity Day 2018, we held ‘Digni-tree’ (see what we did there!) planting ceremonies at all our homes across the NorthWest.

At Gainsborough House residents and their families attended a ‘Digni-tree’ planting ceremony led by Francis Ireland who has been visiting Gainsborough House since it opened and provides regular services and communion. Doing all the hard work digging with the spade was Steve our maintenance manager. It was a very cold day so most residents watched from the warmth of the lounge window, but everyone was treated to a ‘Digni-tea’, an afternoon tea with a tree shaped cake. Residents were invited to write what dignity means to them and hang that message on the branches of a wooden tree. A video of previously recorded messages from staff and other healthcare professionals enabled us to share what dignity means to them via our iPad.

We will see our Digni-tree every day and it will be a constant reminder to residents, families, staff and all other healthcare visitors pass through our homes that all older people should be treated as individuals and should be given choice, control and a sense of purpose in their daily lives.

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

Dignity Action Day 2018

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