L&M Healthcare sponsor International Rugby Tournament at Preston Grasshoppers
L&M Healthcare is delighted to be the main sponsor of the Preston Grasshopper’s International Tournament from 31st August to 1st September 2019.
Part of the 150th year celebrations, the International Tournament will take place at Lightfoot Green Lane and will consist of teams from Formia (Italy), Dendermonde (Belgium) plus the Preston City Twin Town team from Almelo (Holland). A Women’s team from St Louis, Missouri, USA are travelling over and will be playing games on both the Saturday against Preston Grasshoppers Women and on Sunday a Sally Watson Memorial side.
L&M Healthcare is shortly to open Hulton House, its fifth home in the North West, which is built on land purchased from the Grasshoppers. It is named Hulton House after one of the founding members of the club and first ever president Frederick Campbell Hulton. Hulton House will be accepting residents from Monday 9th September 2019 and there is to be a public open day on September 7th which will be opened by former Emmerdale TV star John Middleton who played the Vicar, Ashley Thomas.
Mike Forshaw, Historian at Preston Grasshoppers commented, “We’re delighted to have L&M Healthcare as the key sponsors of the tournament. Their association with the club since purchasing the land has been so positive and we’re very flattered that they have decided to call the new luxurious nursing home after our first ever president. The tournament promises to be a fantastic event for the club with players and visitors from all over the world attending and we’re hoping to showcase the club and the city of Preston to them.”