Mayor unveils memorial plaque at Whittle Hall in Warrington
On Sunday November 28th we held our annual memorial service and remembered those residents we had to say goodbye to over the last two years.
We also asked our lady Mayor, Councillor Maureen Creaghan to unveil a memorial dedicated to the fourteen residents and one staff member that we lost due to Covid at the height of the global pandemic.
The moving and very beautiful memorial was designed by ceramic artist Jeni Jacques, who also led two workshops with our residents and staff in order to create this wonderful piece of art.
The service was led by home manager Deborah Payne and was very emotional as you might expect. We were touched by two beautiful video recordings sent in by local primary schools; Barrowhall children sang ‘Somewhere over the rainbow’ and Callands children sang the Snowpatrol song ‘Run’, coincidentally just as snow flakes started to fall outside.

Deborah lit a candle and read out the names of all those residents that we said good bye to whilst the room fell silent. Liam Roberts, our longest serving member of staff read the poem ‘Forget me not’ and our very own superstar Fabienne sung the Faith Hill song ‘There you’ll be’, which didn’t leave any dry eyes afterwards.
Closing remarks and a vote of thanks to all who had been involved, were given by our Operations Director, Jo Fogg. Managing Director of L&M Healthcare Jeanne Davies and her dog Louis, who doesn’t like to miss out on a visit to Whittle Hall, were also in attendance.
We’d like to thank our activities coordinators Fabienne, Chloe and Sarah, for going the extra mile in putting this service together, Ella our fabulous Chef for the amazing cakes, our lady Mayor Councillor Maureen Creaghan for making time to attend and most of all to Ceramic artist Jeni Jacques for going out of her way to help us produce such a wonderful memorial.